Returning the book to the library - and angrily denying the librarian's suggestion that Hancock himself is the vandal - Hancock finds out the address of the last reader to borrow the book several years previously, a Mr Procter, hoping that he will know the answer. Hancock is initially dismayed but then insists that it should be possible for Sid and himself to work out the identity of the killer using the clues provided by the author - however their attempts at deduction prove fruitless. However, when Hancock reaches the end he finds the last page has been torn out. Sid is impatient to know the identity of the killer, but Hancock assures him this is always revealed on the last page. He borrows a book from the library, the murder mystery Lady, Don't Fall Backwards by Darcy Sarto, and back at 23 Railway Cuttings proceeds to provide Sid with a running commentary on the plot whilst reading it.

Anthony Hancock has taken up reading and claims to be familiar with the works of Bertrand Russell, although in reality his preferred reading matter is crime fiction.