Matching total whimsy in equal doses to a more serious but still lighthearted tone, dvorak invites you to celebrate even in life's sorrows, and insists it will get better againįucking love behemoth. These guys dont always hit but when they hit it they fucking hhhiiiiiiiiitttttttttt itttttttttttĪntonin Dvorak 8 Piano Humoresques, Op.101, B.187 Spiritual 4 Materialistic 3.5 Depressed 5 Thoughts 5 Inmost Fear 3 Sun 3 Searching 2.5 Title 3.5 Mercy Lord heavy fuckin 5. north sea storm's gotta be their best song ever and it's a hard tie between this and twilight as their best album overall raw, much more deathy mdm with every member really into performing their part. Twilight 5 Free 3 Guardians 5 God 4 Varyags 5 Tattered 5 No Fear 2.5 Hero 2.5 Live 2.5 Embrace 3 contains their most epic headbangers, prepare to conquerĮasily the best of their early albums. fuck me even the instrumentals are just a good time by themselves. it's like if early equilibrium went full melodeath instead of black folk. Goddamn these francophones let it go like nothing else. just the vox aren't the greatest and a deeper more powerful growl would have suited this betterĬheck out my epic review Land of Hope 3 Antigone 4.5 Of Volition 3.5 Le Radeau de La M?duse 4 (French Version 4.5) Roots and Leaves 3.5 Vague ? l'?me 3 Strider 4 Panta Rhei 4 Title 4 Old French Song 4 crazy fun melodic dm with wicked french lady vox a highlight in tread but nothing bad at all. Prolog 4 Wurzel 4.5 Blut 5 Unbesiegt 5 Verrat 4 Snuffel 4 Heim 4.5 Heider 3 Die Weide 4.5 Des Sangers 4 Ruf 4 Dammerung 4 Mana 5 sagas is total kickass folk style bmĭefeat 4.5 Bitter 4 Time 4.5 Gallows 4 Title 5 Terminal 4 Man of the King 4 Groan 4 Mindrust 4.5 One 4 easily kalmah's best in melodic riffs and new unrivaled death vox

if only more dm bands would replace their guitarists with guys that actually know how to do something Needled 24/7 4.5 A BACKSTABBING MOTHERFUCKER TO THE BONE IS WHAT YOU ARE Sixpounder 4 IM READY TO BLOW YOU AWAAAAAYYYY Chokehold 4 Bodom Beach Terror 4.5 those keys BODOM BEACH TERROR Angels PERFECT 5 THEN RIPS OUT MY HEART TO SHOW ME HOW BLACK IT IS Triple Corpse HAMMERBLOW 5 You're Better Off Dead THAN FUCKING WITH ME 5 Lil' Bloodred 4 weakest song but CMON MOTHERFUCKERS Hate Crew Deathroll 5 WE'RE HATE CREW! WE STAND AND WE WON'T FAAALLLL, WE'RE ALL FOR NONE AND NONE FOR ALLLLL! FUCK YOU WE'LL FIGHT TIL THE LAST HIT! AND WE SURE AS HELL AIN'T TAKIN' NO SHIT!īrutal traditional dm infused with enticing melodies make this beast a treat to behold. Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name